What You Need to Know
UPDATE: Following a thorough safety review, the previously recommended pause for the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine has been lifted. WDH has made specific recommendations for providers about this vaccine available.
The vaccines are FREE.
- If you have insurance, your insurance can be billed for administration fees. No fees will be billed to you.
- If you do not have insurance, you will be able to get the vaccine and no fees will be billed to you.
The vaccines are SAFE.
- CDC has safety information and guidance to answer questions and help you prepare for vaccination.
The vaccines WORK!
- Are the vaccines safe?
- Do the vaccines work?
- Was vaccine testing rushed?
- Which vaccine should I get?
- Do I have to pay for a vaccine?
- Should I wait to get a vaccine?
- Should I get a vaccine if I am healthy?
- How do I get a vaccine in Wyoming?
- Do vaccines protect against variants?
- What are the side effects?
COVID-19 vaccines are available for the general public!
If you were in an earlier priority group, you haven’t missed your chance!

Additional Questions?
It’s normal to be cautious when something new comes along. Wanting to know more is a good thing. Learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines are authorized, how they keep us safe, why there is more than one and more.